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Monday, January 15, 2007

Bound notebook

The bound notebook is made exactly like the 5" accordion album with a few tweaks.

Wrap the 6" squares using the 8" decorated paper.

Glue the 5" cardstock to the 5x6" cardstocks by overlapping the scored one inch flap over the edge of the 5" square. Continue gluing cardstock together in an accordion fashion until you have reached the desired amount of pages. Allow to dry.

Glue the two 6x2" coordinating strips together, back to back, so the pattern is facing out on both sides. Dry.

Now it's time to assemble. Glue the 6x2" strip to both covers. glue 1/2 inch to the edge of the front and repeat with the back. When the two covers are closed, they should come very close to meeting. If you have one, use a Fastenator to staple the binding to the covers, adding a little embellishment. If you don't, use another coordinating strip to cover the edges of the binding.

Glue the accordion papers inside the cover, and you are finished. If you are confused, feel free to ask. Also, see the pictures over on the side under my profile.

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